Review — Crack duet by L.H. Cosway

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light get in." Leonard Cohen

What a wonderful duet ! Ev is probably the most relatable heroine I've ever read. It's been so long since I've read a book that actually put my feelings into words. It reminded me why I love reading books so much.

And Dylan, omg Dylan! This is textbook how you should write a HERO. I'm stunned by the character development, you can really tell that there's 11 years between the two books because the characters really evolved and I loved what time did to Dylan. He realized all of his dreams, but still had Evelyn in his heart and never looked down on her. Not only was he supportive but he also really understood Evelyn's situation and he never judged her. I am not gonna lie sometimes I did judge Ev probably because I saw so much of myself in her and often throughout the book he reminded me of what she went through and how selfless and strong she was. He never made her feel guilty for her choices and wow that's powerful, this is what I call a hero !

The Cracks duet is an epic unconditional love story, that I HIGHLY recommend. There's so much more I want to say but I also really want readers to know as little as possible to savor this beautiful story.

5 stars

A Crack In Everything
How The Light Get In 

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