Review— The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory


I loved this cute romance novel! Jasmine Guillory took one of the most overused romance trope and wrote a unique and realistic story. 

Alexa and Drew were delightful together. They had one of the best meet cute EVER, once I finished that scene I just knew they were IT for each other. It was the most natural, lovely chemistry. You could just tell that they had FUN together and I loved that. So much fun that it made total sense for them to try a long distance relationship. It's probably this aspect of the story that kept me invested . So often when a romance novelist use the fake dating trope it last for the entire book and imo it's not the most interesting choice, when the book is over i'm never totally convinced by the HEA unless they're a big fat epilogue to make up for it. Here you get the comedy of a fake wedding date but you also get to experience what happens after it, when they're back to reality and in their case reality means self-doubt, flying every week end, missing each other, falling in love, fighting and REALLY getting to know the other. 

They were much more than a sexy pairing, Drew and Alexa really cared about each other. They were interested in each other beyond sex and even when they were struggling to define their relationship you could feel that what they had was special. One of my favorite thing was how supportive they were when it came to their respective careers. They're both passionate about their work and it was nice that even though they worked in totally different environment they both cared enough to ask how the other was doing, to ask about specific projects or patients in Drew's case.

Jasmine Guillory said that she wanted to write a romance with characters that look like her friends, live in big cities, had careers they're really invested in and all of this trully made the book for me. Alexa work for her city and she had a particular project that she was passionate about, I don't want to reveal it because it's one of my favorite storyline in this book, but the fact that Drew kept asking her about it really solidified their relationship for me.

Some people prefer when fictional interracial couple don't talk about race and don't make a big deal of it I personally don't agree, I think it's great that Alexa was scared to ruin everything by talking about their relationship status but never compromised when it came to this. She was NOT afraid to confront him about his privilege as a white man, she didn't hesitate to ask him if there would be any black or poc guests at the wedding and Drew was never defensive or made her feel like he wanted to avoid the topic or like he had nothing to learn from her. I think it SUPER important to represent that kind of healthy dynamic in an interracial because it's cool to be attracted and fall in love with a black/poc but some people don't want to deal with our struggle or hear about it and that's just toxic imo especially when these people end up with black kids and refuse to hear that they'll experience things differently and that at some point they WILL have to have THE talk.

The Wedding Date is an absolute GEM, I just know that it'll be one of the best books of this year. Even though i'm unapologetic about my preference for this genre, this book is much more than a romance, it's a love story, it has an amazing cast of secondary characters and compelling relevant storylines. I'm gonna campain HARD for the Choice Awards this year, move over Colleen Hoover!

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